
Paper published in Biology of Sex Differences

Our paper “Comparative developmental genomics of sex-biased gene expression in early embryogenesis across mammals” was published in Biology of Sex Differences

Poster presentation at Cancer Epigenetics Institute’s symposium (March 2023)

Congratulations, Raza!

Grant funded by the Melanoma Research Alliance

The Melanoma Research Alliance has funded our reseach on genetic sex biasing factors in melanoma progression

Grant funded by Department of Defense Idea Award

The DoD has funded our reseach on genetic sex biases in melanoma progression

Grant funded by the American Cancer Society

The ACS has funded our research on sex disparities in melanoma

Review of Genomic Sexual Dimorphism published in Frontiers of Cell Dev. Biology

Sexual Dimorphism in the Age of Genomics: How, When, Where

Paper published in Biology of Sex Differences

The developmental origins of sex-biased expression in cardiac development

BioEssays article in the news

Comments in BioEssays and Advanced Science News

Hypothesis article published in BioEssays

Sex Differences in Early Embryogenesis: Inter-Chromosomal Regulation Sets the Stage for Sex-Biased Gene Networks